* The library's settings configuration interface.
* @typedef {Object} Settings
* @property {String} [symbol='$'] - Currency symbol
* @property {String|CurrencyFormat} [format='%s%v'] - Controls output: %s = symbol, %v = value (can be object, see docs)
* @property {String} [decimal='.'] - Decimal point separator
* @property {String} [thousand=',] - Thousands separator
* @property {Number} [precision=2] - Number of decimal places to round the amount to
* @property {Number} [grouping=3] - Digit grouping (not implemented yet)
* @property {Boolean} [stripZeros=false] - Strip insignificant zeros from decimal part
* @property {Float} [fallback=0] - Value returned on unformat() failure
* Currency format interface.
* Each property represents template string used by formatMoney.
* Inside this template you can use these patterns:
* - **%s** - Currency symbol
* - **%v** - Amount
* **Examples**:
* ```js
* '%s %v' => '$ 1.00'
* '%s (%v)' => '$ (1.00)'
* '%s -- ' => '$ --'
* ```
* @typedef {Format} CurrencyFormat
* @property {String} pos - Currency format for positive values
* @property {String} [neg=pos] - Currency format for positive values
* @property {String} [zero=pos] - Currency format for positive values
* The library's default settings configuration object.
* Contains default parameters for currency and number formatting.
* @type {Settings} settings
const settings = {
symbol: '$',
format: '%s%v',
decimal: '.',
thousand: ',',
precision: 2,
grouping: 3,
stripZeros: false,
fallback: 0
export default settings;